Obtaining an Individual’s AD

Here are the most common ways to locate an individual’s AD during an emergency.

Medical Records

  • Electronic medical records typically include a “flagging” mechanism that indicates an individual has an AD, that the provider has a digital copy, or that the provider has information about how to obtain the AD
  • ADs may be shared between providers without obtaining a release because ADs fit the Treatment, Payment and Health Care Operations exception to HIPAA rules

Virginia Department of Health’s Advance Health Care Directive Registry

  • Users of the registry are given a registration number and create a PIN access
  • Users are instructed to keep a card with the registration number and PIN on their person
  • Users may give access information to their loved ones
  • Healthcare providers may access ADs by entering a person’s registration number and PIN

Physical copies

  • The individual, the individual’s agent, or an emergency contact may be able to provide a copy
  • The individual may be able to tell you where the AD can be located
  • ADs may be shared between providers without obtaining a release because ADs fit the Treatment, Payment and Health Care Operations exception to HIPAA rules

Crisis card

  • Individuals may carry a crisis card in their wallets or purses
  • The cards contain information that is helpful when the individual is in crisis, including where the person’s AD is located